Website content

In one form or another, content is essentially what people come to your website for. There are many ways to ensure your content satisfies your visitors’ needs; and this goes a very long way towards getting more bookings.

Unlimited pages

You can have as many pages as you like. We can help you plan and organise your content. We even have copywriting services available if you need to hit the mark with your words.


Are you currently blogging? Or do you wish to start? Blogging is one of the best ways to showcase your expertise & personality. All the best tools you need are built right in.

Structured data: Built-in

What in the world is structured data? You may have noticed that some Google search results include things like detailed descriptions, photos, contact details, star ratings etc. These are more eye-catching and get more clicks. Structured data helps your website to stand out in search engines by cataloguing and linking your information effectively and efficiently.

The websites we build for our clients fully leverage structured data. We apply it to content such as your contact details, services, staff, locations and more.


Content library

NB: Content library is an add-on service, and is currently offers physiotherapy related material. Other libraries are coming.

Preparing content is really difficult. So we’ve done it for you! Categorised, sorted and proof-read, there are hundreds of pages you can pick and choose from and add to your website with a click.

If you like, you can use them as blog posts or include them in newsletters to your subscribers. You are in control: edit them as you like and even schedule them ahead of time to appear on your website at a later date.

Protected material ?

You may want to hide certain content behind a password protected page, or have it published or deleted after a certain date. It’s easy!

Downloadable material

You can offer downloads to your visitors. For example, new patient forms are great for this purpose, because visitors can download and fill them in before arriving for their first appointment.

Or you may like to offer an eBook or info-sheet in exchange for someone signing up to your newsletter. The sky is the limit.